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Weekly Sensory Bible Devotional Cards - made for little hands
We started with Genesis 1:1, and we are making our way through the stories in the Bible week by week in an age-appropriate way. These are truly comprehensive, yet simple, devotionals to help you instill God's Word in the heart of your child. All you need is 5-10 minutes a day!
Super Simple, Low Prep, and Memories to last a lifetime
Every Devotional Card has a sensory component - a small, readily available item (think: if it's not in your junk drawer or craft cabinet, you can get it at the dollar store!) and a corresponding game or activity to capture your child's attention and to help your child connect to the Bible story! This part of the devotional is simple, but it really helps the Bible come to life for your child!
BONUS Mom-Devotionals Covering the Same Bible Stories
We cannot give our children what we do not have ourselves. We need to fill our spiritual wells with the Truth of God’s Word, too! So, alongside your child, you have the opportunity to dive deep into the Bible with devotionals that were written just for you, Mom! We search Scriptures (the same ones we are studying with our kids) to discover God’s plans for our lives, for our parenting, and for connection with Him - together!
(Note: The Mom-Devotionals are not available for all stories yet!)
How it works.
Each Bible Story is told through a series of five devotional cards. There is a cover card, five story cards, and a review card. You can prep them for a whole week and then have your “Bible time” ready to go for five full days!
On each card, you will find:
A coloring page, traceable text, and a page number on the front of each story card telling one part of the Bible story.
A Memory Verse (the same one each week) is on the back of each card and on the main cover page card.
A list of sensory items to include with each card, usually labeled “Sandwich Bag,” as I suggest you place the items (the ones that fit, anyway!) into a plastic zipper sandwich bag along with that day’s card so it’s more than easy to grab for your Bible time!
The Scripture reference to read directly from your real Bible.
Devotional text that helps clarify parts of the story and guides you to connect the sensory item with the Bible passages you read that day.
A quick prayer to say to conclude your devotional time!
At the end of the week, you can bind the cards into a book by stapling, hole punching, or even threading them together, using the cover card as your book cover!
Pretty soon, your child will have quite a collection of Bible “books” he has made himself, documenting the Bible stories that have made their way into his heart through reading the Bible, coloring the scenes, tracing text, and completing fun, easy, and hands-on activities together!